
The MTP Projects page provides a listing of all MTP projects in the DCHC MPO area. The list can be re-sorted by clicking on the column name at the top of each column.

Project List

MTP ID Project Improvement Type Existing Number of Lanes Proposed Number of Lanes Extent To Extent From Estimated Cost Staff Comments
10 Chin Page Rd Extension Add Access 0 2 Airport Rd Page Rd
413 Miami Blvd Extension New Location 0 3 Alston Av Extension E Geer St $508,000.00 one-half is built
644 I-85/Alston Av Extension New Grade Separation 0 0 Alston Av Extension I-85 $0.00 Draft CTP
313 Brier Creek Pkwy Extension Widening 2 4 Andrew's Chapel Rd Leesville Rd $4,033,000.00
316 Brier Creek Pkwy Extension New Location 0 4 Andrew's Chapel Rd T.W. Alexander Dr $3,990,000.00 Private $. under const.
28.11 Glover Rd New Location 0 2 Angier US 70 $3,714,000.00 Added to accommodate US 70
608 East End Connector/Angier Av New Grade Separation 0 0 Angier Av East End Connector $0.00 Part of EEC project
680 US 70/Angier Av New Interchange 0 0 Angier Av US 70 $0.00 Draft CTP. US 70 Study pending.
69.3 NC 54 Widening 2 4 Barbee Fayetteville $46,800,000.00 U5774I. Incl I-40 bridge
70 NC 54 (widening; superstreet) Widening 4 6 Barbee Chapel Rd I-40 $9,100,000.00 U-5774C. No intchg costs incl.
70.3 NC 54 Modernization 6 6 Barbee Chapel Rd Fordham Blvd (US 15-501) $32,106,000.00 U-5774B. CH no superstreets. Incl intchg
208 NC 54/Barbee Ch Rd Add Access 0 2 Barbee Chapel Rd NC 54 $0.00 U-5774B. Intchg cost in hwy. CH not support
23.1 Fayetteville Rd Widening 2 4 Barbee Rd Woodcroft Pkwy $4,661,000.00 Prorated from CIP
410 Marriott Way New Location 0 2 Barbree Chapel Rd Friday Center Dr $682,000.00 One-half built
437 New Collector Rd New Location 0 2 Becketts Ridge Rd Orange Grove Rd Ext $7,232,000.00 Private $ north of I-85
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