
The Projects page provides a listing of all projects in the DCHC MPO area. The list can be re-sorted by clicking on the column name at the top of each column. The entire listing of projects can be exported to a Microsoft Excel-compatible .CSV file by clicking the “Export” button that is located above the index, on the right side of the page.

Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TQ-6104 Easy Rider Senior Shuttle Prior Year $240,000
TA-6712 Replacement of Transit Vehicles Meeting Useful Life Prior Year $7,915,000
TA-6710 GoDurham Replacement Vehicles 2019 $500,000
TO-6155 5311 Operating 2019 $173,475,000
TG-5235 GoTriangle Safety and Security Cameras Prior Year $171,000
I-9999 Interstate Maintenance Balance 2025 $451,003,000
R-9999WM SW Environmental Mitigation and Minimization, Statewide Prior Year $62,024,000
R-9999WM REG Environmental Mitigation and Minimalization, Regional Prior Year $46,368,000
R-9999WM DIV Environmental Mitigation and Minimization, Division Prior Year $46,368,000
M-0452 Tolling/Financial Feasibility Studies Prior Year $2,864,000
W-5517SW Safety Management Program, Statewide Prior Year $8,840,000
W-5517REG Safety Management Program, Regional Prior Year $6,630,000
W-5517DIV Safety Management Program, Division Prior Year $6,630,000
EB-5542 Statewide Bicycle-Pedestrian Program Prior Year $10,503,000
TP-4901 Planning Assistance - Research Support Activities Prior Year $7,769,000
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