Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TO-0004 System Safety Oversight Grant for NCDOT Rail Division 2023 $440,000
TA-6520 New Freedom Capital Funding Assistance Section 5317 New Freedom Capital funding assistance to community transportation systems and non-profit agencies across the state. Prior Year $443,000
TM-5310 Expanded Service to Brier Creek Expanded Service to Brier Creek - Rt.15. JARC 5316 Grant Prior Year $462,000
TQ-6158 Operating Assistance - Purchase of Service Operating assistance - purchase of service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $463,000
TM-5311 GoTriangle Sunday Routes Sunday Routes (400,700, & 800). JARC 5316 Grant Prior Year $470,000
TA-6710 GoDurham Replacement Vehicles 2019 $500,000
TC-0026 Statewide Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds for Capital Statewide Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds for Capital 2023 $500,000
M-0482 State Transportation Innovation Council Projects Various, Federal State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) incentive funded projects 2023 $500,000
TL-0018 15-501 Bus Stop Improvements GoTriangle Access Improvements along US 15-501 in Orange County between I-40 and Franklin St. 2023 $500,000
U-4726HJ NC 751 and NC 54 Sidewalks Construction of sidewalks on NC 751 between Garrett Rd and NC 54, and on NC 54 between NC 751 and Dresden Drive. This project was previously part of ER-2971, the NCDOT's Sidewalk Program in all fourteen highway divisions. 2016 $502,308
TO-5202 GoDurham Operating Assistance (5307) 5307 Operating Assistance Prior Year $524,000
U-4727 UPWP: Chapel Hill Town of Chapel Hill UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $527,640
M-0451SW Landscape Plans Landscape plans for statewide STIP construction projects. Prior Year $537,000
EB-5880 Jones Ferry Road Sidewalk Construct a sidewalk on the north side of SR 1005 (Jones Ferry Road) from SR 1010 (West Main Street) to Davie Road in Carrboro. 2023 $561,000
U-4726II Friday Center Drive Bicycle lanes on Friday Center Drive from NC 54 to UNC Park & Ride lot. Prior Year $565,000
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