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Durham, NC 27703
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Project List
TIP # | Project Name | Description | Project Expected Start Date | Total Cost |
M-0479BDIV | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis (Division) | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis Preliminary Engineering for Atlas Environmental Unit Groups. | 2021 | $1,350,000 |
M-0479BREG | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis (Regional) | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis Preliminary Engineering for Atlas Environmental Unit Groups. | 2021 | $1,350,000 |
M-0479BSW | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis (Statewide) | Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis Preliminary Engineering for Atlas Environmental Unit Groups. | 2021 | $1,800,000 |
M-0479DIV | Environmental Analysis, Division | Project development, environmental analysis, and preliminary engineering for miscellaneous division projects. | Prior Year | $3,450,000 |
M-0479REG | Environmental Analysis, Regional | Project development, environmental analysis, and preliminary engineering for miscellaneous regional projects. | Prior Year | $3,450,000 |
M-0479SW | Environmental Analysis, Statewide | Project development, environmental analysis, and preliminary engineering for miscellaneous statewide projects. | Prior Year | $4,600,000 |
M-0482 | State Transportation Innovation Council Projects | Various, Federal State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) incentive funded projects | 2023 | $500,000 |
M-0505 | TPMU Oversight | Transportation Program Management Unit (TPMU) oversight for locally-administered projects including preparation of agreements and funding authorization requests. | Prior Year | $3,235,000 |
M-0515 | ROW LPA Review | Review of local public agency projects by the Appraisal section of the Right-of-Way Branch of NCDOT. | Prior Year | $2,500,000 |
M-0521DIV | Traffic Forecasting, Division | Traffic forecasting through the Transportation Planning Division of NCDOT for miscellaneous Division projects. | Prior Year | $228,000 |
M-0521REG | Traffic Forecasting, Regional | Traffic forecasting through the Transportation Planning Division of NCDOT for miscellaneous regional projects. | Prior Year | $228,000 |
M-0521SW | Traffic Forecasting, Statewide | Traffic forecasting through the Transportation Planning Division of NCDOT for miscellaneous statewide projects. | Prior Year | $228,000 |
M-0534DIV | Hydraulics, Division | Preliminary engineering for the highway floodplain program (HFP) to facilitate FEMA and NFIP compliance and flood resilience. | Prior Year | $6,000,000 |
M-0534REG | Hydraulics, Regional | Preliminary engineering for the HFP to facilitate FEMA and NFIP compliance and flood resilience. | Prior Year | $6,000,000 |
M-0534SW | Hydraulics, Statewide | Preliminary engineering for the HFP to facilitate FEMA and NFIP compliance and flood resilience. | Prior Year | $8,000,000 |
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