Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
B-5348 Sr 1005 (Old Greensboro Rd) (Bridge) Replace bridge No. 85 over Phil's Creek. Project is under construction. Prior Year $1,345,000
TM-0031 NCDOT RTAP Statewide Funds for FTA Grants NCDOT, RTAP STATEWIDE FUNDS FOR FTA GRANTS 2023 $1,348,000
M-0479BDIV Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis (Division) Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis Preliminary Engineering for Atlas Environmental Unit Groups. 2021 $1,350,000
M-0479BREG Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis (Regional) Statewide Project Development and Environmental Analysis Preliminary Engineering for Atlas Environmental Unit Groups. 2021 $1,350,000
EB-5835 Alston Avenue Sidewalks Construct sidewalk on east side of NC 55 (Alston Avenue) from SR 1171 (Riddle Road) to Cecil Street in Durham. Fill in missing gaps. 2025 $1,351,014
M-0555REG Various Utility Encroachment and Administration VARIOUS, UTILITY ENCROACHMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES. 2023 $1,365,000
TA-6695 Chapel Hill Transit Bus Replacement Replace four NOVA buses with three diesel buses. Purchase in progress. 2018 $1,366,269
TC-0003 Statewide 5311 ADTAP Capital Funding for Rural Transit Statewide 5311 ADTAP Capital Funding for Rural Transit 2023 $1,371,000
U-4726DD Rogers Road Sidewalks Sidewalks along Rogers Road from Homestead to Meadow Run in the Town of Carrboro. Prior Year $1,371,658
C-5605J TJCOG TDM Program Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. 2019 $1,383,771
TA-5200 CHT Bus Replacement For the purchase of replacement buses. On October 19, 2015, Chapel Hill Transit was awarded $1,120,000 of federal CMAQ funding in 2017. Previous TIP # C-5605C 2018 $1,400,000
W-5700SW Signal Retiming, Statewide Signal retiming to improve safety for statewide projects. Prior Year $1,400,000
M-0557B Statewide Hazard Corridor Vulnerability Assessments Statewide, hazard corridor vulnerability assessments 2023 $1,400,000
TI-6105 Greyhound Lines Greyhound Bus Service from Raleigh to Norfolk. Intercity bus service from Raleigh to Norfolk along US 64 and US 258 with stops at Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Ahoskie, and Suffolk. Prior Year $1,402,000
EB-5994 NC 54 Sidepath Construct a sidepath along north side of NC 54 from James Street to Anderson Park in Carrboro. 2024 $1,469,000
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