Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
RX-2000 Statewide Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety Improvements Program Administration Statewide Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety Improvements Program Administration $0
RX-2005 Division 5 Grade Crossing Safety Improvements Various highway-rail grade crossing safety improvements in Division 5. $0
RX-2007 Division 7 Grade Crossing Safety Improvements Various highway-rail grade crossing safety improvements in Division 7. $0
RX-2007B Norfolk Southern Railroad Crossing (Efland) SR 1120 (Mount Willing Road), Norfolk Southern railroad crossing 735145T near Efland. Install active warning devices. 2024 $800,000
RX-2008 Division 8 Grade Crossing Safety Improvements Various highway-rail grade crossing safety improvements in Division 8. $0
RX-2100 Passenger Rail Crossing Safety Improvement Inventory Program 2021 $2,500,000
SR-5000 Safe Routes to School: Non-Infrastructure Safe Routes to School Program. Educational, training, and other non-infrastructure needs. This project is in progress. Prior Year $6,435,000
SR-5001 Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School projects to improve safety, reduce traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution in vicinity of schools. Prior Year $16,339,000
TA-4726 CHT Replacement Bus Replacement Buses. 5309/5339 Grant. Prior Year $51,141,000
TA-4726A CHT Replacement Buses Purchase replacement buses. In progress by Chapel Hill Transit. STP-DA Flex Funds Bus Replacement. 2016 $2,072,331
TA-4748 CHT Replacement Paratransit Vehicle Replacement Paratransit Vehicle. 5307 GRANT. Prior Year $4,421,000
TA-4818B GoTriangle Replacement Bus Replacement bus. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $6,491,000
TA-4923 GoDurham Replacement Bus Battery replacement, bus refurbishment, and paratransit vehicles and bus purchases. Prior Year $13,035,018
TA-4979 CHT Replacement Van Replacement Van. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $4,061,000
TA-5019A GoDurham Replacement Paratransit Vehicle Purchase of paratransit vehicles, bus refurbishment, and bus shelters. STP-DA Grant. Project is in progress through Chapel Hill Transit. Prior Year $700,733
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