Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
U-4727 UPWP: Durham County Durham County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $51,945
U-4727 UPWP: Hillsborough Town of Hillsborough UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $100,000
U-4727 UPWP: Orange County Orange County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $30,031
U-4727 UPWP: TJCOG Triangle J Council of Governments UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $68,750
U-4727 UPWP: GoTriangle GoTriangle UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $1,085,000
U-4727 UPWP: MPO LPA DCHC MPO Lead Planning Agency UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2023 $27,818,089
U-5119A Phase 2 Alternatives Analysis Chapel Hill Transit Bus Rapid Transit, Phase II Alternatives Analysis, including environmental assessment, design, and engineering. More specific phase-related details: In 2016 – submission of a Small Starts Project Development Application to the FTA at the cost of $20,000. In 2016 – starting and completing an Environmental Assessment under Federal NEPA rules with the outcome of a signed Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the FTA at the cost of $550,000 to $700,000 depending on the level of transportation analysis and Cultural Resource Analysis. In 2016 and until the project is constructed (assume 2020) – annual required planning and FTA submittals including the update of Small Starts documentation and required documents including (but not limited to) Project Management Plan, Public Involvement Plan, BRT Comprehensive Operations Analysis, BRT Fleet Management Plan, Basis of Design, and Work Breakdown Structure at the cost of $100,000 to $200,000 annually. In 2017 and 2018 – initiation and completion of engineering (preliminary and final) at the cost of $1.5 million to $2.5 million depending on the LPA cross-section. 2016 $4,220,000
U-5304A US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - Interchange Improvements at NC 86 Full U-5304 project is NC 86 (S Columbia St) to I-40 in Chapel Hill. Upgrade corridor. Total project length is 6.0 miles. Total project cost for the entire project is $131,266,000. Break A is for improvements for the NC 86 (S Columbia St) interchange in Chapel Hill. Project costs for only Break A are shown in the table below. Planning and design are in progress. 2029 $33,040,000
U-5304B US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - NC 86 to NC 54 Full U-5304 project is NC 86 (S Columbia St) to I-40 in Chapel Hill. Upgrade corridor. Total project length is 6.0 miles. Total project cost for the entire project is $131,266,000. Break B for the project is from th NC 86 interchange to the NC 54 interchange in Chapel Hill. Provide capacity improvements with sidewalks, wide outside lanes, and transit accommodations. Project costs for only Break B are shown in the table below. 2029 $28,285,000
U-5304D US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - NC 54 to Ephesus Church Road Full U-5304 project is NC 86 (S Columbia St) to I-40 in Chapel Hill. Upgrade corridor. 2029 $35,344,000
U-5304E US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - Manning Drive Intersection Full U-5304 project is NC 86 (S Columbia St) to I-40 in Chapel Hill. 2029 $37,446,000
U-5304F US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - Ephesus Church Road to I-40 Upgrade of US 15/501 in Orange County. This project is for corridor capacity improvements from SR 1742 (Ephesus Church Road) to I-40. 2029 $33,726,000
U-5516 US 501 (Roxboro Rd) SR 1448 Latta Road / SR 1639 Infinity Road intersection in Durham. Intersection Improvements. 2025 $18,741,000
U-5518 US 70 Upgrade Upgrade US 70 from west of TW Alexander Drive (SR 3067) to I-540 in Raleigh to improve capacity, safety, and traffic operations including interchanges at various locations. 2025 $392,603,000
U-5543 Variable Message Signs in Chapel Hill Variable message signs for traffic management on major corridors in Chapel Hill. Construction is in progress by the Town of Chapel Hill. 2016 $1,626,250
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