Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
C-5605E Durham Bicycle Lane Striping Stripe eight miles of bicycle lanes in the City of Durham. 2018 $829,170
TM-5311 GoTriangle Sunday Routes Sunday Routes (400,700, & 800). JARC 5316 Grant Prior Year $470,000
M-0360DIV Technical Services, Division Technical services for preliminary engineering for miscellaneous division projects. Prior Year $7,826,000
M-0360REG Technical Services, Regional Technical services for preliminary engineering for miscellaneous regional projects. Prior Year $7,826,000
M-0360SW Technical Services, Statewide Technical services for preliminary engineering for miscellaneous statewide projects. Prior Year $10,435,000
TT-9702A Regional Coordinated Area Transportation Technology - Administration (ITRE) Prior Year $50,000
TM-0043 Electric Transit Buses - City of Durham The City of Durham will acquire six (6) electric transit buses. 2023 $2,280,000
U-5774F NC 54 Upgrades - Grade Separations at Falconbridge, Farrington, and I-40 The full project #U-5774 is NC 54 from US 15/501 in Chapel Hill to NC 55 in Durham, upgrade roadway corridor. Total project length for all sections is 9.2 miles. Break F of the project is the I-40/NC 54 interchange improvements, which include grade separations at Falconbridge and Farrington roads. Previous breaks D and E were incorporated into break F in P4.0. 2029 $3,793,000
U-5774B NC 54 Improvements - Fordham to Barbee Chapel The full project #U-5774 is NC 54 from US 15/501 in Chapel Hill to NC 55 in Durham, upgrade roadway corridor. Total project length for all sections is 9.2 miles. Break B for this project is improvements to NC 54 from US 15/501 (Fordham Boulevard) in Orange County to SR 1110 (Barbee Chapel Rd) in Durham County, upgrade the roadway corridor and convert at-grade intersection with SR 1110 (Barbee Chapel Rd) to interchange. 2027 $59,234,000
BL-0063 Horton Road Sidewalk The Horton Road Pedestrian project seeks to construct a 1.59-mile multi-use path along the south side of Horton Road in Durham from Guess Road to Roxboro Road. Construct a 0.41-mile sidewalk on the north side of Horton Road from Guess Road to connect to an existing sidewalk near Horton Road. This will provide a safe pedestrian option along a busy road in northern Durham and connect residential areas to shopping centers and other destinations. It focuses on connecting lower-income residential areas to shopping areas and reduces the need to access these areas with an automobile. 2023 $1,205,667
TL-0027 NC 54 Falconbridge Transit Access The NC 54-Falconbridge construction project aims to address critical transit access and transit operation safety concerns along NC 54 in the Falconbridge area in southwestern Durham County, thereby increasing transit ridership and reducing emissions. The project is located within City of Durham city limits from Farrington Road to Huntingridge Road. The project will provide safe pedestrian connections for transit users to existing and planned signalized crossings in this corridor, given the high speeds and traffic volumes on NC 54. The project includes construction of bus stop landing pads, shelters, benches, bus pullouts and tapers, sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian median refuge islands, appropriate safety signage, pedestrian signal heads and complimentary traffic signal modifications, and other supporting roadway modifications. 2023 $1,135,900
TL-0034 Electric Transit Buses - Chapel Hill The Town of Chapel Hill will acquire five (5) electric transit buses. 2023 $2,708,000
U-4727 UPWP: Carrboro Town of Carrboro UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $34,007
U-4727 UPWP: Chapel Hill Town of Chapel Hill UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $527,640
U-4727 UPWP: Hillsborough Town of Hillsborough UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $100,000
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