Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
U-5846 SR 1772 (Greensboro Street) SR 1780 (Estes Drive) in Carrboro, construct a roundabout. Prior Year $3,185,000
C-5179 SR 1750 (North Estes Drive) Construct five foot sidewalks and five foot bike lanes on North Estes Drive from NC 86 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard) to Caswell Drive in Chapel Hill. Construct a ten-foot multi-use path along North Estes Drive from NC 86 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard) to Elliott Road in Chapel Hill. Planning, design, right of way, and construction are in progress by the Town of Chapel Hill. Prior Year $9,159,133
B-4943 SR 1616 (Bahama Road) (Bridge) Replace Bridge #20 over Dial Creek (Lake Michie). Project was authorized 3/8/18 and closed in eTIP on 5/12/23 as project is closed in April 2023 STIP. Prior Year $2,041,000
HS-2005L SR 1327 (Gregson Street) Traffic Signal at Gregson and Knox Streets SR 1327 (GREGSON STREET), SR 1327 (GREGSON STREET) AT KNOX STREET. INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL. 2023 $110,000
C-4928 SR 1317 (Morreene Road) Construct bike lanes and sidewalks along Morreene Road in Durham, from Neal Road to SR 1320 (Erwin Road). Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the City of Durham. This project is in progress. 2022 $10,637,308
U-4724 SR 1158 (Cornwallis Road) Construct bike and pedestrian features along West Cornwallis Road (SR1158) from South Roxboro Street (SR 2295) to Chapel Hill Road (SR 1127) in Durham. Planning, design, right of way, and construction are in progress by the City of Durham. Prior Year $9,444,000
U-5854 SR 1008 (Mt. Carmel Church Rd) SR 1913 (Bennett Rd) in Chapel Hill. Construct roundabout and related safety improvements. Planning and design for this project are in progress. Prior Year $1,025,000
B-5348 Sr 1005 (Old Greensboro Rd) (Bridge) Replace bridge No. 85 over Phil's Creek. Project is under construction. Prior Year $1,345,000
C-5650 South Greensboro Street Sidewalks Construct 3,100 linear feet of sidewalk on one side of South Greensboro Street in Carrboro. This project replaces U-4726Dx. Included in TIP through Amendment #1. 2022 $1,711,438
U-5845 South Churton Street (SR 1009) Widening SR 1009 (SOUTH CHURTON STREET), I-40 TO ENO RIVER IN HILLSBOROUGH. WIDEN TO MULTILANES. 2026 $59,599,000
C-4902 Solar Center Clean Transportation Program North Carolina State University Solar Center Clean Transportation Program. Develop and administer a seven year clean fuel-advanced technology rebate program in all CMAQ eligible counties to reduce emissions. Prior Year $4,694,000
W-5715REG Signal Timing Safety Improvements - Regional Signal timing to improve safety for regional projects. 2020 $4,500,000
W-5715DIV Signal Timing Safety Improvements - Division Signal timing to improve safety for division projects. 2020 $4,500,000
W-5700SW Signal Retiming, Statewide Signal retiming to improve safety for statewide projects. Prior Year $1,400,000
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