Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
U-5304F US 15-501 (Fordham Boulevard) Upgrades - Ephesus Church Road to I-40 Upgrade of US 15/501 in Orange County. This project is for corridor capacity improvements from SR 1742 (Ephesus Church Road) to I-40. 2029 $33,726,000
U-6067 US 15/501 Upgrade Upgrade US 15/501 in Durham to an expressway from I-40 to US 15/501 Business. **** STIP description is I-40, SR (MOUNT MORIAH ROAD), AND SOUTHWEST DURHAM PARKWAY IN DURHAM. IMPROVE INTERCHANGE / INTERSECTION AREA. 2029 $195,183,000
B-5674 US 15/501 Northbound (Bridge) Replace bridge No. 80 over SR 1308 (Cornwallis Rd) in Durham. 2023 $6,150,000
U-5550 US 15/501 (Fordham Boulevard) Intersection Improvements at US 15/501 and SR 1742 Ephesus Church Road in Chapel Hill. Planning, design, ROW, and construction by the Town of Chapel Hill. FY 2018 programming reflects the reimbursement to the Town. 2018 $2,170,000
U-5717 US 15/501 (and Garrett Road) SR 1116 Garrett Road in Durham. Convert the existing at-grade intersection to an interchange. 2026 $32,000,000
U-4727 UPWP: TJCOG Triangle J Council of Governments UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $68,750
U-4727 UPWP: Orange County Orange County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $30,031
U-4727 UPWP: MPO LPA DCHC MPO Lead Planning Agency UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2023 $27,818,089
U-4727 UPWP: Hillsborough Town of Hillsborough UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $100,000
U-4727 UPWP: GoTriangle GoTriangle UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $1,085,000
U-4727 UPWP: Durham County Durham County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $51,945
U-4727 UPWP: City of Durham/GoDurham City of Durham and GoDurham UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $983,370
U-4727 UPWP: Chatham County Chatham County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $43,743
U-4727 UPWP: Chapel Hill Town of Chapel Hill UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $527,640
U-4727 UPWP: Carrboro Town of Carrboro UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $34,007
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