Project List

CTP ID Project Improvement Type Mode Status Section Description
ORAN0159-M Morgan Creek Trail Greenway - Paved Multi-Use Recommended Smith Level Rd. to University Lake Rd. Greenway - Paved
ORAN0160-M Morgan Creek Trail Ext Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended Morgan Creek Trail to Smith Level Rd Multiuse Path
ORAN0161-M Morgan Creek Trail Spur Greenway - Paved Multi-Use Recommended Morgan Creek Greenway to BPW Club Rd. Greenway - Paved
ORAN0162-M Morgan Creek Trail Spur Greenway - Paved Multi-Use Recommended Morgan Creek Greenway to Berryhill Dr. Greenway - Paved
ORAN0163-M Morgan Creek Trail Spur Greenway - Paved Multi-Use Recommended Across Morgan Creek Greenway - Paved
ORAN0164-M Morgan Creek Train Ext Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended Merritt's Pasture to Morgan Creek Rd Multiuse Path
ORAN0165-M Mountains to Sea Trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended King's Highway Park to Riverwalk "Multiuse Trail, Paved"
ORAN0166-M NC 54 side path (North) Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended NC 54 Interchange to NC 54 Sidepath (existing) Multiuse Path
ORAN0167-M Old Field Cr Trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended Homestead Rd to I-40 (trail) Multiuse Path
ORAN0168-M Proposed trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended Dry Creek Trail to US 15-501 Multiuse Path
ORAN0169-M Public Works Dr Greenway - Paved Multi-Use Recommended Smith Level Rd. to End of Canterbury Greenway Greenway - Paved
ORAN0170-M Riverwalk Connector Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended Riverwalk to Dimmock's Mill Road "Multiuse Trail, Paved"
ORAN0171-M Tanyard Branch Trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended McMasters to Jay Multiuse Path
ORAN0172-M Tanyard Branch Trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended McMasters to Broad Multiuse Path
ORAN0173-M Tanyard Branch Trail Multiuse Path Multi-Use Recommended McMasters to Umstead Multiuse Path
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