Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
R-4436REG NPDES Permit, Regional Retrofit fourteen sites per year to protect water quality. Prior Year $21,275,000
R-4436DIV NPDES Permit, Division Retrofit fourteen sites per year to protect water quality. Prior Year $21,275,000
R-5968DIV NPDES Permit - Division Retrofit fourteen sites per year to protect water quality. 2020 $11,700,000
R-5968REG NPDES Permit - Regional Retrofit fourteen sites per year to protect water quality. 2020 $11,700,000
R-5968SW NPDES Permit - Statewide Retrofit fourteen sites per year to protect water quality. 2020 $15,600,000
TP-5158 ADA Bus Stop Review and Design Review existing bus stops in Chapel Hill and Carrboro for compliance with ADA and provide all necessary design work to make stops more accessible for seniors and persons with disabilities. 2019 $40,000
M-0515 ROW LPA Review Review of local public agency projects by the Appraisal section of the Right-of-Way Branch of NCDOT. Prior Year $2,500,000
C-5184 Riverwalk Trail Riverwalk Trail, Phase III in Hillsborough. Construct a paved off-road trail along Eno River connecting River Park, Gold Park, and the Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area, and construct sidewalk to provide pedestrian and bicycle connections to the greenway. Planning, design, right of way, and construction are in progress by the Town of Hillsborough. Prior Year $1,258,563
M-0552ADIV Open Roads Designer Training and Development (Division) Roadway Design Open Roads Designer Training and Development for division projects. 2022 $324,000
M-0552AREG Open Roads Designer Training and Development (Regional) Roadway Design Open Roads Designer Training and Development for regional projects. 2022 $324,000
M-0552ASW Open Roads Designer Training and Development (Statewide) Roadway Design Open Roads Designer Training and Development for statewide projects. 2022 $432,000
M-0552BDIV Roadway Design Training and Development (Division) Roadway Design Training and Development for Miscellaneous division projects. 2022 $150,000
M-0552BREG Roadway Design Training and Development (Regional) Roadway Design Training and Development for Miscellaneous regional projects. 2022 $150,000
M-0552BSW Roadway Design Training and Development (Statewide) Roadway Design Training and Development for Miscellaneous statewide projects. 2022 $200,000
TG-4732A Routine Capital Routine Capital - Bus stop shelters, benches, shop equipment, spare parts, engines, farebox, service vehicles, etc. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $3,920,000
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