Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TA-4923 GoDurham Replacement Bus Battery replacement, bus refurbishment, and paratransit vehicles and bus purchases. Prior Year $13,035,018
C-5179 SR 1750 (North Estes Drive) Construct five foot sidewalks and five foot bike lanes on North Estes Drive from NC 86 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard) to Caswell Drive in Chapel Hill. Construct a ten-foot multi-use path along North Estes Drive from NC 86 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard) to Elliott Road in Chapel Hill. Planning, design, right of way, and construction are in progress by the Town of Chapel Hill. Prior Year $9,159,133
TD-5294 Holloway Street Transit Corridor Construct bus stop improvements and better access to bus stops along NC 98 (Holloway Street). Prior Year $1,166,000
EB-5704 Raynor Street Sidewalks Construct sidewalk on one side of street along Raynor Street from North Miami Boulevard to North Hardee Street in Durham. Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the City of Durham. Project is in progress. Prior Year $778,000
EB-5708 NC 54 Sidewalks Construct sections of sidewalk on south side of NC 54, from NC 55 to Research Triangle Park western limit in Durham. Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the City of Durham. Project is currently in progress for ROW. Prior Year $767,000
EB-5715 US 501 Bypass (North Duke Street) Sidewalks Construct sidewalk on east side of North Duke Street from Murray Avenue to US 501 Business (North Roxboro Road) to fill in existing gaps. Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the City of Durham. Prior Year $4,774,254
U-4724 SR 1158 (Cornwallis Road) Construct bike and pedestrian features along West Cornwallis Road (SR1158) from South Roxboro Street (SR 2295) to Chapel Hill Road (SR 1127) in Durham. Planning, design, right of way, and construction are in progress by the City of Durham. Prior Year $9,444,000
EB-5720 R. Kelly Bryant Bridge Trail Construct a multi-use path from NC 55 to Drew-Granby Park, using the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge, in Durham. Planning, design, right of way, and construction managed by the City of Durham. Merged with EB-5833 through FY18-27 Amendment #2. Prior Year $8,190,500
TG-4738 GoDurham Routine Capital Routine Capital - bus stop shelters, benches, shop equipment, spare parts, engines, service vehicles, etc. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $14,065,000
TG-4738A GoDurham Preventative Maintenance Preventative Maintenance Prior Year $66,860,000
TQ-6954 5310 Operating 5310 operating projects for rural areas. Prior Year $30,115,000
TA-6665 5311 Capital Capital projects for rural areas. Prior Year $167,120,000
U-4726HO Carpenter-Fletcher Road (Bike/Ped) Construct sidewalks and bicycle facilities along Carpenter-Fletcher Road from Woodcroft Parkway to Alston Avenue. Prior Year $8,315,534
EB-5721 Fordham Blvd Sidepath (Orange County Bicycle Route 1) - Cleland Dr to Willow Dr Construct trail along US 15/501 Fordham Blvd from Cleland Drive to Willow Drive in Chapel Hill. Upgrade existing off-road path located along US 15/US 501 Fordham Blvd and construct new section of path. Planning, design, ROW, and construction by Town of Chapel Hill. Prior Year $2,434,750
U-4726HN Hillandale Road (Bike/Ped) Construct sidewalks and bicycle facilities along Hillandale Road from I-85 to NC 147. Prior Year $7,032,629
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