Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TD-5155 Orange Public Transit 1 replacement LTV (25') and radio, vehicle lettering and logos, and on-board camera. STP-DA Grant. 2022 $77,000
TL-0026 Orange County Transportation Services Bus Shelters Update three bus shelters in Orange County on government property. 2023 $125,000
TP-5151 Orange County Flex to Transit Orange County STBGDA funds flexed to transit. 2019 $129,913
TQ-6165 Orange County Department on Aging Mobility Management. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $150,000
TQ-3002 Orange County Department of Aging Senior transportation expansion, assessment and mobility manager (STEAMM) including purchase of service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $439,000
TO-5220 OPT Operations Assistance Operating assistance for Orange Public Transit for service in the DCHC MPO urban area. 2018 $130,000
TA-5226 OPT Capital Capital for Orange Public Transit in the DCHC MPO urban area. 2018 $20,000
TA-6721 OPT - Purchase Two Light Transit Vehicles Purchase two light transit vehicles for Orange Public Transit 2022 $109,000
TM-5305 Operating- Night Service Operating Assistance-Night Service. JARC 5316 GRANT Prior Year $136,000
TM-6155 Operating Funding Operating funding for existing projects statewide. 2016 $350,000
TN-5102 Operating Assistance -New Freedom Operating Assistance -New Freedom 5317 grant - Urban 2016 $1,764,000
TQ-6158 Operating Assistance - Purchase of Service Operating assistance - purchase of service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $463,000
TO-5130B Operating Assistance - New Route Operating Assistance - New Route. CMAQ funds flexed from original project #C-5180. Prior Year $3,749,000
TM-5306 Operating Assistance - Continuation Operating Assistance - Continuation of Service Hour Extension. JARC 5316. Prior Year $144,000
M-0552ASW Open Roads Designer Training and Development (Statewide) Roadway Design Open Roads Designer Training and Development for statewide projects. 2022 $432,000
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