Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TG-5249 CHT Routine Capital - Resurfacing Routine Capital - Resurface Park & Ride Lots. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $70,000
U-4727 UPWP: TJCOG Triangle J Council of Governments UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $68,750
TT-5205 Ferry Communications NCDOT Ferry Division will purchase and install visuals, paging systems on board five class ferry vessels Prior Year $66,000
HS-2005M NC 55 (Alston Avenue) Pedestrian Infrastructure at NC 55 and Geer Street NC 55 (ALSTON AVENUE), AT SR 1670 (GEER STREET). REVISE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND INSTALL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEADS. 2023 $62,000
U-4727 UPWP: Durham County Durham County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $51,945
TT-9702A Regional Coordinated Area Transportation Technology - Administration (ITRE) Prior Year $50,000
TD-5271 CHT Renovate Bus Related Facilities Renovate Bus Related Facilities. 5309 GRANT. Prior Year $50,000
TG-6189 Chatham Transit Network Bus Shelters Construct bus shelters for Chatham Transit Network through Chapel Hill Transit. Duplicated project in eTIP. Project was authorized 3/28/18. Closed in eTIP as of 5/12/23 due to not being in STIP or on any additional authorization reports. Prior Year $44,000
TG-6189 Chatham County Flex to Transit Chatham County STBGDA FY18 funds flexed to transit. Duplicated project in eTIP. Project was authorized 3/28/18. Closed in eTIP as of 5/12/23 due to not being in STIP or on any additional authorization reports. 2018 $43,746
U-4727 UPWP: Chatham County Chatham County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $43,743
TP-5158 ADA Bus Stop Review and Design Review existing bus stops in Chapel Hill and Carrboro for compliance with ADA and provide all necessary design work to make stops more accessible for seniors and persons with disabilities. 2019 $40,000
U-4727 UPWP: Carrboro Town of Carrboro UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $34,007
U-4727 UPWP: Orange County Orange County UPWP. DCHC MPO Planning Allocation and Work Program. 2016 $30,031
TN-5133 Capital - Travel Training (con't) Capital - continuation of travel training. (New Freedom 5317 GRANT) Prior Year $30,000
TG-0002 Statewide FY21 5307 SBUS Capital 2021 $21,000
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