
The Projects page provides a listing of all projects in the DCHC MPO area. The list can be re-sorted by clicking on the column name at the top of each column. The entire listing of projects can be exported to a Microsoft Excel-compatible .CSV file by clicking the “Export” button that is located above the index, on the right side of the page.

Project List

TIP # Project Name Description Project Expected Start Date Total Cost
TM-5311 GoTriangle Sunday Routes Sunday Routes (400,700, & 800). JARC 5316 Grant Prior Year $470,000
TG-5251 GoTriangle Routine Capital Routine Capital. 5309 Grant. Prior Year $277,000
TG-5250 GoTriangle Shop Equipment Shop Equipment Prior Year $87,000
TA-5148 GoTriangle Vanpool Vans Vanpool vans - replacement (8). 5309 Grant. Prior Year $224,000
TQ-3002 Orange County Department of Aging Senior transportation expansion, assessment and mobility manager (STEAMM) including purchase of service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $439,000
TQ-6158 Operating Assistance - Purchase of Service Operating assistance - purchase of service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $463,000
TQ-3001 OnBoard Durham County ACCESS Purchase of demand response service. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $375,000
TN-5133 Capital - Travel Training (con't) Capital - continuation of travel training. (New Freedom 5317 GRANT) Prior Year $30,000
TP-5109 GoDurham Planning Assistance - 5307 Planning Assistance - 5307 Prior Year $6,262,000
TQ-6165 Orange County Department on Aging Mobility Management. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $150,000
TQ-7002 Administration of Section 5310 Administration of Section 5310 program. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $119,348
TN-5134 Planning & Program Administration City of Durham Planning & Program Administration of New Freedom projects (5317) Prior Year $14,000
TM-5307 Planning & Program Administration City of Durham Planning & Program Administration of JARC projects (5316) Prior Year $90,000
TS-5106 CHT Safety & Security - 1% Set Aside Safety & Security - 1% Set Aside. 5307 Grant. Prior Year $294,000
TQ-5104 CHT EZ Rider Senior Shuttle EZ Rider Senior Shuttle. 5310 Grant. Prior Year $696,000
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