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Durham, NC 27703
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Project List
TIP # | Project Name | Description | Project Expected Start Date | Total Cost |
TL-0027 | NC 54 Falconbridge Transit Access | The NC 54-Falconbridge construction project aims to address critical transit access and transit operation safety concerns along NC 54 in the Falconbridge area in southwestern Durham County, thereby increasing transit ridership and reducing emissions. The project is located within City of Durham city limits from Farrington Road to Huntingridge Road. The project will provide safe pedestrian connections for transit users to existing and planned signalized crossings in this corridor, given the high speeds and traffic volumes on NC 54. The project includes construction of bus stop landing pads, shelters, benches, bus pullouts and tapers, sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian median refuge islands, appropriate safety signage, pedestrian signal heads and complimentary traffic signal modifications, and other supporting roadway modifications. | 2023 | $1,135,900 |
U-5937 | NC 147 auxiliary lanes from South Duke Street to Briggs Avenue | Construct auxiliary lanes and operational improvements on NC 147 from South Duke Street to Briggs Avenue. Amendment #7 to the FY2018-2027 TIP extended the western terminus to Chapel Hill Street. | 2027 | $58,088,000 |
E-4018 | National Recreational Trails | NATIONAL RECREATIONAL TRAILS | Prior Year | $12,645,000 |
M-0414 | Municipal Bridge Inspection Program Implementation | 2020 | $10,000,000 | |
EL-4828A | Morgan Creek Greenway Phase 1 (Carrboro) | Western section, SR 1919 (Smith Level Road) to University Lake in Carrboro. Construct greenway and connections. As part of TIP Amendment #6, Phase 2 was deleted. Planning, design, right of way, and construction for this project are by the Town of Carrboro. | 2023 | $1,567,500 |
BO-2415 | Morgan Creek Greenway (Chapel Hill) | Bike-Ped project in Chapel Hill. This segment of the Morgan Creek Greenway would connect the existing path at the trailhead to the soon-to-be-constructed Carrboro portion at Smith Level Road. The existing greenway is highly used and extending it to the west to Carrboro and beyond has long been a priority for both Towns. | 2023 | $2,370,000 |
EL-4828 | Morgan Creek Greenway (Carrboro only) | Bike-Ped project in Carrboro. This is the parent project for the Morgan Creek Greenway in Carrboro. The project was split into sections A and B, and B was cancelled pending future funding. All sections are west of Smith Level Road. | $0 | |
HS-2008C | Long Life Pavement Markings | Install Long Life Pavement Markings at various locations in Chatham, Lee, Hoke, Randolph and Scotland counties | 2022 | $1,580,000 |
M-0563D | LIDAR Data Collection | 2023 | $1,285,000 | |
EB-5703 | LaSalle Street Sidewalks | Construct sidewalks on both sides of LaSalle Street from Kangaroo Drive to US 70 Business (Hillsborough Road) and on one-side of LaSalle Street from Hillsborough Road to Sprunt Avenue. Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the City of Durham. | 2023 | $1,955,000 |
M-0451REG | Landscape Plans, Regional | Landscape plans for regional STIP construction projects. | Prior Year | $403,000 |
M-0451DIV | Landscape Plans, Division | Landscape plans for division STIP construction projects. | Prior Year | $403,000 |
M-0451SW | Landscape Plans | Landscape plans for statewide STIP construction projects. | Prior Year | $537,000 |
EB-5880 | Jones Ferry Road Sidewalk | Construct a sidewalk on the north side of SR 1005 (Jones Ferry Road) from SR 1010 (West Main Street) to Davie Road in Carrboro. | 2023 | $561,000 |
C-5181 | Jones Creek Greenway | Construct a 100 foot bridge and 650 foot paved trail in Carrboro to fill gap between the Upper Bolin Trail and Twin Creeks Greenway and implement program to support non-vehicle trips to Morris Grove Elementary School. Planning, design, right of way, and construction by the Town of Carrboro. | 2022 | $922,000 |
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